These projects are chosen to show illustrate a breadth and depth of the work my work. If you want to dig even deeper, explore my project hilights by role.

The Marines worked with JWT on a recruting CD - wanted to amke sure it was going to be effective
- traditional usability was going to be a challenged
so i designed something awesome to test it.
- traditional usability was going to be a challenged
so i designed something awesome to test it.
The Marines worked with JWT on a recruting CD - wanted to amke sure it was going to be effective
multi city expectations setting and input for follow on marketing messages
multi city expectations setting and input for follow on marketing messages
Highlights organized by role.
Led the Oracle.com UX team including Design Operations
My team managed all research for Oracle.com
Magnet 360
During my time at Magnet 360 we grew the UX team from 3 to 10 - included UX, Visual Design, Development
Created and established Experience Strategy team at Magnet 360
Expanded team to include Marketing Automation, SEO and Content - this brought the team total to 23 team and created a new team that I lead called the Customer Experience team
Director of Information Architecture and Social Media leading sales and solution effort for social recipe site and practice management of information architecture
Chief Information Architect for Sun.com for my entire tenure.
My leadership of the home page redesign project at Sun was featured in MN Business monthly. Additionally, Sean McKay and I presented our work on this project at a MIMA event.
J. Walter Thompson
Began at company as a consultant doing Information Architecture work.
Promoted to lead Experience Design team at global ad agency J. Walter Thompson
I was hired at my interview for the role of web developer.
Created and led the UX team which oversaw visual design, information architecture, content and worked closely with the front end development team.
UX Process
Highlights organized by role.
Created Design Ops organization to support global publishing and agencies around the world
Collaborated with development team on spring planning for Oracle.com design system
Assisted project management team in implementation of Agile/Lean UX process integration
Magnet 360
Drove implementation of Sketchnotes at all company events to enhance communication and visualize quarterly company messages to help team understand and execute
Created standardized assets for all members of company to use and present consistent brand experience within presentation materials and deliverables to clients
Was the main stakeholder in an effort to create a Design System documentation tool set working with Nathan Curtis of EightShapes. The work was featured in his book Modular Web Design: Creating Reusable Components for Web Design.
J. Walter Thompson
Was deeply involved in helping define and deliver on company engagement process that was defined and followed by all
Created team, defined process for UX and how team engaged across company
Strategy and Planning
Highlights organized by role.
- Lead UX to modernize Oracle.com Design System and more effectively support customers while driving lead generation optimization for the business
Created Design Ops organization to support global publishing and agencies around the world
Lead UX Architect for Global brand launch - coordinating efforts around the globe with media, global web sites and social channels
Magnet 360
I created a Digital Strategy team to enable clients to plan efforts around the CRM, Sales Cloud and marketing automation efforts as a way to help them understand the best solutions for their needs.
Target – led research and engagement strategy for internal Communications team with Salesforce CRM as the base – we built a custom solution to allow the team to see who was being communicated with and ultimately a value score for those individual influencers
Ameriprise - Co–led strategy marketing automation project to help a call center engage a population of underserved clients through automation and team support
Honeywell – Several projects across IoT efforts at Honeywell including Community Strategy for Connected Products
Honeywell – In-home consumer research fueled understanding of customer expectations after purchasing a smart thermostat. The research informed the type and focus of content and drove a higher engagement rate after purchase than the initial email campaign.
Pearson – led research, design and UX to implement new Incident Management System for all global test centers both company and non-company owned
Social strategist and Information Architect for social recipe site, tablespoon.com*
Leading social media advocacy and blog training as a side job at Sun
On-boarded over 100 employees through blog training to amplify Sun’s message in the market
J. Walter Thompson
Worked on digital strategy for several clients including Orkin, Marines and United Healthcare.
Experience Design
Highlights organized by role.
- Cisco
Magnet 360
Led project and research to redesign software for HID Global badging software - multi phase usability testing was part of what was employed to ensure the product would be usable when it went into the field
Lead Information Architect for the Implementation of Sun retail store
J. Walter Thompson
Westlaw.com - UX and research lead for redesign including a multi city usability testing program
National Cable Company - UX lead on multi audience portal system to enable cable ad buying via the internet moving away from a fax based process
UHC and Medica – Lead information architect for myuhc.com and mymedica.com at inception. This involved in several projects over my career to both design, test and improve experience on both member and employee portals for UHC and Medica.
3M – Worked on Employee Experience project
Research and Metrics
Highlights organized by role.
Member of team that launched the Cisco Customer Experience booth which traveled to Cisco Live events globally and other technology events to gather customer feedback from difficult to access customers
Research and Recommendations for Department of Education to digitize
J. Walter Thompson
Marines - Marines.com redesign and ongoing usability testing and improvement
UHC and Medica – Research lead for myuhc.com and mymedica.com Several projects over my career to both design, test and improve experience on both member and employee portals for UHC and Medica.
3M – Worked on Employee Experience project
Lead Strategist and Information Architect on the first Techies Day
Lead Information Architect in partnership with CNET
Implemented first Techies.com Ad Server - I was the technical resource leading strategy, product selection and implementation of ad server for web site
Highlights organized by role.
- Yearly Oracle Research booth at Oracle OpenWorld In 2018, conducted 3 tests in 3 days with same day turn around on read out results
Created Design Ops organization to support global publishing and agencies around the world
Magnet 360
My team conducted usability testing for several clients as part of strategic engagements to inform roadmaps and planning.
Led project and research to redesign software for HID Global badging software - multi phase usability testing was part of what was employed to ensure the product would be usable when it went into the field
Ongoing participation in efforts conducted by our in house team to understand customer behavior and drive improvment based on the insights gained
J. Walter Thompson
Marines - Marines Recruiting CD Rom including full research plan
3M – Establish a global navigation that is still widely in use today, helped them with detailed experiences within the framework. I did initial work on this project and managed several members of my team who brought this work to completion.
Established internal team testing on a regular basis for techies.com (job seeking audience) and employers.techies.com (employers that were the main customers for techies.com who were seeking candidates)